MHC Asia Group Has Been Recognized Under The IoT Healthcare

Singapore’s leading health technology company built teleconsult kiosks with integrated IoT devices during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

MHC Asia Group has been recognized under the IoT Healthcare Technology category in SBR Technology Excellence Awards 2022. Now in its fourth year, the prestigious awards programme lauds companies who ride the digital disruption wave with technological innovations that have successfully transformed industries and business models, from merely adapting to the changing needs to going beyond expectations.

The COVID-19 pandemic caught the world by surprise, with its rapid spread putting a heavy strain on the healthcare systems of most countries. Despite stringent protocols enacted early into the pandemic, Singapore was no exception, with a sudden surge of cases in foreign worker dormitories across the country taking the nation by surprise.

This huge influx of infections, which happened relatively early during the pandemic while the country had just entered a lockdown, threatened to overly strain precious healthcare resources that were still in the process of being ramped up.

Recognizing that the biggest problem in the dorms would be effective triaging of cases, as a vast majority of the infected only exhibited minor symptoms, MHC led the initiative to build teleconsult kiosk with integrated IoT devices, greatly reducing the logistics and manpower needed to adequately provide the level of healthcare needed at the various dorms scattered around the country. 

Leveraging existing resources along with easily sourced third-party hardware, MHC provides a timely and cost-effective solution to the problem. In a short period of time, the kiosks were prototyped and deployed at 130 locations around the country.

While the company already had a nascent mobile teleconsult platform in the early stages of being introduced to the mass market, MHC fast-tracked the integration of IoT devices to be compatible with the BetterHealth teleconsult mobile platform, with the focus being on tools to provide an effective evaluation of a patient’s COVID-19 symptoms.

With the data provided from an external thermometer, pulse oximeter, and blood pressure monitor, medical staff would be able to best deliver the appropriate amount of care based on the severity of one’s symptoms.

As there was an urgent need to improve the accessibility of healthcare in the dormitories before further deterioration of the situation, a conscious decision was made to use readily available products already on the market, rather than the development of proprietary devices. This allowed for the rapid deployment of kiosks across the island, with the time from conceptualization to execution taking only a bit over a month as the components could be sourced locally and instantaneously.

All in all, the project met its aims of acting as a timely solution to defuse the situation in these dormitories, by leveraging upon technology to greatly reduce the logistical and manpower resources otherwise required.

With the kiosks in place, teams could be dispatched surgically to aid patients in need of medical attention, rather than the alternative of having a full medical team at every dormitory in Singapore – something that would just not be feasible.

MHC is now looking at further enhancing healthcare accessibility to other communities that traditionally lack 24/7 access, such as factories and out of the way production plants. The health technology company believes that this concept can be expanded to serve humanitarian missions too, with the vision of providing some form of medical care to remote communities around the world.

How to Deal With Heartbreak

How to Deal With Heartbreak

How to Deal With Heartbreak:
7 Strategies to Survive a Break-up and Finally Move On

If you’re currently struggling to get over a break-up: you’re not alone. It’s something that we all experience at some point in our lifetime and is part of the human experience – but that doesn’t make it any easier.
Unfortunately, there is no handbook to getting over heartbreak, and it is often a messy, confusing and lengthy process. However, there are many things you can do to speed up your healing process and get back to feeling like yourself again.

1.Cut Contact – Especially During the First Few Weeks or Months
Straight after a break-up, you are at your most vulnerable. If you keep talking to your ex or try to have a friendship straight away, it can be incredibly difficult to move on and can give you false hope of getting back together. Delete their contact and unfollow them on social media if you need to, so you’re not constantly reminded of them. This doesn’t need to be forever, but it will give you some necessary space to heal properly.

2. Avoid Unhealthy Coping Methods
When you’re hurting after a break-up it can be tempting to numb your feelings with things such as alcohol, drugs, food or even working too much. Remember that you won’t always feel this way and that relying on unhealthy outlets will only make matters worse. There are so many healthier ways such as exercising or taking up new hobbies to deal with the pain and the loss you are currently experiencing which will help you move on better and faster.

3. Feel All the Feelings
Have compassion for yourself and know that whatever feelings may be coming up during this time are completely normal and part of the process. It is important that you don’t deny your emotions and that you process them properly. Find something that works for you; this could be writing about what happened in a notebook or reaching out to family and friends to air out your feelings with someone that you trust.

4. Remember the Bad Parts
When going through heartbreak it’s common to remember only the good parts of the relationship or idealise that person now that you are no longer with them. It can be helpful to write a list of all the things that weren’t working in the relationship. That way, whenever you feel yourself wishing you were back together, you can revisit the list to remind you of why you should stay apart.

5. Stay Busy and Get Into a Routine
It’s totally okay to have a few days or even a few weeks of not doing anything except feeling sad or sorry for yourself. But after a while, starting a new routine can help keep your mind busy and give you a renewed sense of purpose. Make sure to include things in your day that make you feel good such as exercising, going out with your friends or making time for your passions. It’s much easier to get over a break-up when you’re having fun and enjoying your life!

6. Perform a Closure Ritual
Having some kind of relationship funeral or ending ceremony can be the perfect way to emotionally heal after a break-up. There are many ways you can do this. You can write down the painful memories you want to let go of and then burn the papers in a fire. You could put their belongings in a box and then bury them. Or you can simply light a candle, remember the good and the bad of the relationship, and think of what you’re excited about now that it’s over.

7. Start Dating Again
If enough time has passed and you feel ready to, why not start dating again? You can date casually in the beginning so it’s not as intimidating. Don’t put any pressure on yourself to jump into a relationship straight away, simply go into it with an open mind and the resolution to have fun and try something new. This can be a great confidence booster and a wonderful reminder that there are many other amazing people out there for you.

Finally – Give It Time
No two break-ups are the same, and some relationships take longer to get over than others. Give yourself the necessary time to heal and recover from what you’ve lost, but also remember that your heartbreak won’t last forever. Focus on the positive and look forward to all of the new and exciting things you will get to experience in this new chapter of your life.

Source: MHC Asia Group ©

How to Find a Good Support System in Your Life

How to Find a Good Support System in Your Life

We all need our own team of supporters. Whether it’s someone to share good news with or someone to help you get back on your feet when things get tough, it’s clear that having quality connections enriches our lives. A good support system will positively enhance your mental well-being and will allow you to thrive and grow as the best version of yourself.

In this post, we’ll talk about the importance of finding a good support system and give you some ideas on how you can build and maintain one in your own life.

What Is a Support System?
A support system refers to a group of people that you can rely on for support or encouragement during both the good times and the bad. A good support system isn’t simply about having a group of friends but is characterized by the depth of the relationships you have with the individuals around you. This could apply to family members, friends, or even co-workers, and are people that you can trust and turn to for emotional support.

The Benefits of a Healthy Support System
Research has long shown that humans thrive best when in a community, as we are all hard-wired with a deep need to belong in a social group and to connect with others. Having a strong network of people around you can help you feel more grounded and secure with your place in the world.

On top of attaining a feeling of belonging, a healthy support system can also be highly beneficial if you find yourself in a challenging or difficult situation. Having like-minded and supportive people to turn to for advice can help you feel less alone and lighten the weight on your shoulders.

This is why it is so important to build solid relationships with a few people in your social circle instead of just one or two. Having a variety of people on hand will ensure that there is always someone to talk to, especially if the person that you normally rely on is unable to help you.

Different people may also bring out a different side of you and fulfill different roles depending on what you may need at certain times in your life. For example, an introverted friend may sit with you on the couch and listen to all your problems, while an extroverted friend may drag you out to a party to take your mind off it. Friends can often act as soundboards, listening to your problems and providing different advice. Turning to a few friends about the same problem can also give you a pool of different solutions, allowing you to better determine the best one.

Tips on How to Build and Maintain a Strong Support System
If you want to expand your social network, a great place to start is by joining a community club, going to events in your city, or picking up a new hobby. Venturing out of your current comfort zone can help you meet new people and bond with them over an activity that you both enjoy, not to mention that more informal settings can make it a more organic and relaxed way to strike up a friendship. You can also ask your current family and friends to introduce you to people they might know, as there is a higher chance that they will be similar to you too.

Once you have a solid group of people in your life, it’s important to make time to maintain and strengthen these relationships. Whether this is a quick phone call or a catch-up over coffee, seeing loved ones often will make you feel closer to them and boost your wellbeing. You’re more likely to have strong friendships when you are a good friend too. When you put in the effort to show others that you value and care for them, they will do the same in return for you.

Surrounding yourself with people that you like, trust, and love is an essential component of a healthy, happy life. Having a strong support system of close family and friends will help you to stay positive and navigate through life’s struggles with greater ease. When you cultivate and nurture these relationships, they will likely last for many years to come, and you will see the positive ripple effect in almost every aspect of your life.

Source: MHC Asia Group ©

The Impact of COVID-19 on Social Anxiety Disorder

The Impact of COVID-19 on Social Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is an emotion we get when we anticipate an uncertain outcome from a specific event. It may bring a sense of threat, which causes us to feel uneasy. In some situations, feeling anxious is normal and may even bring benefits. For instance, normal anxiety keeps us aware of our surroundings and responsibilities. With normal anxiety, we can still perform adequately despite feeling fear.

Anxiety becomes a disorder when our ability to function is impeded. We may find it hard to complete tasks without feeling highly overwhelmed by emotions. As a result, we may be compelled to avoid the situation that is causing us anxiety. Feeling anxious around other people is normal, especially when they are strangers. Still, when we begin to avoid or neglect our right to form relationships or connections, that’s when social anxiety disorder applies.

The American Psychiatric Association’s definition of social anxiety disorder is the “significant anxiety and discomfort about being embarrassed, humiliated, rejected, or looked down on in social interactions” (Muskin, 2021). Social anxiety disorder used to be referred to be as social phobia due to individuals feeling extreme fear around meeting new people.

How is the pandemic affecting the prevalence of social anxiety disorder?

The rapid emergence of COVID-19 increased many people’s anxiety around the world. Due to the pandemic, the leading causes of anxiety were the uncertainty of the nature of the virus, transitioning to remote working or learning, and relationship strains caused by regulations from our authorities. A 2020 global health article revealed that the age group between 21-40 years old showed the highest anxiety, depression, and stress levels. The article claims that this is due to health and financial burdens brought about by the pandemic.

Like most people, you may rely heavily on social interaction and proximity. Therefore, you may have found it difficult to adjust to the reduced social interaction, especially with friends and coworkers. For many individuals, the impact of forcing them to work from home, may cause them to re-learn how to manage their time. On top of everyday chores and family obligations, finding time for remote working (or learning) was a difficult feat to learn. Because of this, people found it hard to reserve time to catch up with friends. The lack of constant social interaction puts many people at risk for social anxiety. Building connections may be difficult, thus making them fearful of even starting a conversation.

Social interaction is a skill that should be constantly improved. Everyone’s social interaction skills depleted when the pandemic occurred. And now that some social distancing protocols are being lifted, we are bound to interact more with society once again. For some, social interaction is easy to relearn. But for many, it is hard to get used to again.

Suppose you are the part of the population that finds it hard to interact, especially now that social restrictions are slowly being lifted. In that case, there are tips on managing social anxiety that can be applied in any situation and environment, whether it’s returning to in-person working, going back to school, or even going out to do errands. Listed below are the best strategies for managing social anxiety disorder:

Continue to practice your social interaction skills.
Great social media apps have made it easy for you to remain in contact with family, friends, and coworkers. Try to schedule at least one phone or video call every week.
This will allow your brain to think on the spot instead of taking hours to create the perfect text reply.

Use deep breathing exercises.
When you begin to feel overwhelmed, whether you’re just about to leave your house or you’re already outside, do some deep breathing exercises. This is highly beneficial for distracting your thoughts and calming down your nervous system. Take this time to slow down and reflect on your next move.

Practice positive self-talk.
Having self-compassion truly goes a long way. It keeps up aware of our body’s needs. Make it a habit to say at least three nice things about yourself every day. And when your anxiety comes up, use the deep breathing exercises, and follow it up with reassuring, positive self-talk. Remind yourself that your emotions are valid.

Establish a routine every day.
Having a routine will put our minds in “the zone.” When we are determined to complete a task, we are most likely to get it done when we have written it down. Therefore, practice writing down the list of tasks or chores you need to do for the day. It can be as simple as ‘make your bed,’ or you could remind yourself of other pressing work that needs to be accomplished. Sometimes, taking control of our emotions is required. Always remember that getting started is always the most challenging part. But once you gain focus, you will receive internal motivation.

Go out of your comfort zone, but do not overwork yourself.
We should always be striving to push ourselves past our comfort zones. This does not necessarily mean that we push ourselves past our breaking point. Doing things outside of our comfort zones gives us the confidence and assurance that we can accomplish just about anything.

Cognitive behaviour therapy.
If you reach a point of overwhelming anxiety, do not hesitate to reach out to a counsellor. In addition to practicing social interaction, you will receive credible advice. Yes, your counsellor or therapist is not necessarily your friend, but take this time to learn about human connection and behaviour.

Social anxiety disorder has significantly affected the global population and you are not alone With proper advice, you will overcome it. Even if your mind tells you otherwise, always seek help when you get too overwhelmed. Always remember that there are people who will be able to understand what you are going through and be available for you.

Source: MHC Asia Group ©

Social Media & Mental Health: How to Live with it

Social Media & Mental Health: How to Live with it

The rise of technology and social media is no stranger to anyone. Currently, we can expect almost everyone to be a part of at least one social media platform. While technological advancements bring benefits to our lives, the downside of them is the consequences that we face when we mishandle our devices.

When social media is used correctly, the advantages can result in feelings of inspiration, connection, and opportunity. We scroll past the seemingly perfect lives of others as they showcase their achievements, and we can’t help but feel motivated to reach their level of greatness.

On the contrary, the disadvantage of social media can bring distraction, comparison, envy, jealousy and unproductiveness. At some point, we begin to look at the success of others and compare it to our progress, and we realize we don’t amount to what they have accomplished. We are so consumed in others’ stories and posts about their grand lifestyles, that we don’t even recognize our own progress and small victories.

Think of all the wasted time that you could have used to work just a little bit more. It’s in those small moments in time do we attain progress, even if it’s just a fragment. Imagine your pursuit or goal as a puzzle; each piece, no matter how little, add up to build the bigger picture. If you lose any of your pieces, the puzzle won’t be complete. Similarly, if you continue to waste and lose time, you might not attain your goals.

When it comes to well-being and taking care of our mental health, many people nowadays will say that taking a break from social media is a must. This is entirely because of the constant “noise” that associates with social media. In a 2020 study, medical researchers discussed that teenagers constantly check on their friends’ messages and online activity on a regular basis, causing the onset of social media anxiety related to fear of loss. This goes to show that our brains are wired to feel the need to go on social media, only to make us feel as if we are already left behind.

Along with anxiety, depression and suicide are recognized as common repercussions of social media. Numerous reports on suicide have made headlines across the globe. The U.S. News & World Report released an article in 2017 about suicide prevention to military personnel who are on social media. The article reported that military personnel who post their life stressors followed by more negative emotions a few days later were showing indicative signs of suicide. As a result of such incidents, social media has since built tools that shows sensitivity and effectiveness of suicide prevention online. For example, when people search words that involve the word ‘suicide’, Google will launch a national suicide prevention hotline in respective countries. This is the type of progress we should always strive for.

The control that social media has on us is overwhelming. Society has experienced the highs and lows of mental health because of social media. It has brought awareness, advocation, and recognition towards the importance of mental health. Overall, the goal of using social media
should not be to gain external validation or bring self-doubt, rather, it should be a platform that we can use to gain more purpose in our lives.

In times when social media adds negatively to our moods and emotions, we can always change the narrative. Below are tips on how we can continue to use social media in a healthy manner:
1. Take a social media detox.
Practice taking one day from the week to stay completely off your phone. This may be easier said than done, especially when you have been having a routine that involves your phone. You can start by limiting the time you have on social media (this can be achieved on your phone settings). The next thing you know, the urge to go on your phone and on social media will feel foreign to you. Remember, our brains need to be cleared of toxins too.
2. Practice mindfulness and self-care.
Do activities that you genuinely enjoy and bring you peace. This works great alongside taking a social media detox. Once you decide to take a break from social media, use that time to pamper yourself or be productive. Self-care can look different for everyone; from relaxing in a bathtub to going to the gym for a workout – do something that moves your body, replenishes your soul, and nourishes your mind.
3. Unfollow, unfriend, & unsubscribe.
Let go of what does not help you grow. Always keep in mind that social media should bring you inspiration, connections, and opportunities. If it does not bring purpose to your life, drop it.
4. Take care of your real-life relationships.
Engage in positive conversations with your family and friends. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the number of our followers, subscribers, re-tweets, and likes, that we forget about the real behind-the-scenes people. Make it a habit to talk to people in real life and not just through the screen. Your validation should come from yourself and trusted individuals, not by the number of likes and comments on yours posts.
5. Focus on the facts.
Remind yourself that social media filters everyone’s flaws. We all showcase the best sides of ourselves through our posts. We also all go through different journeys in life. Next time you notice yourself comparing your achievements to another person’s achievements, always remember that they had to face their own challenges before reaching success.

The key factor that enables us to have a healthy relationship with social media is through self-discipline. Without discipline, the tips in this article will not be useful. We must condition our minds to be stronger than our desire to be on social media just for the sake of passing time. By having a disciplined mindset, our lifestyle will slowly start to evolve, and we will slowly start to become productive. Soon, a peaceful life will envelope us. One that does not involve social media for unnecessary validation.

We can all understand that the effects of social media have advantages and disadvantages to our health. Therefore, we must continue to work towards finding a balance between our real-life and online lives. There are countless ways we can enhance our social media experiences, but essentially, having emotional maturity and discipline is what allows us to take better control of our time and health.

Source: MHC Asia Group ©

Strong in Mind and Body: Mental Coping Strategies

Strong in Mind and Body: Mental Coping Strategies

Your mental wellbeing has a huge impact on the way you feel about yourself, how you relate to others and your sense of purpose and belonging in the world.

If you are feeling overwhelmed right now and are experiencing feelings of anxiety, depression or any other kind of negative thoughts, just know that change is absolutely possible for you. The negative feelings you currently have won’t always be there and there is so much you can do to turn things around.

How to Navigate Change
Awareness is the first step to change, and acknowledging that change is necessary is a big and courageous step in itself. This will also help you pinpoint where you need to take action. This could mean reaching out for some guidance, discovering some new resources to help support you or simply getting curious about what you need at this time.

Remember that changing the way you think, feel and behave isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s a process that takes time, commitment and a lot of self-compassion. But just like anything that’s difficult at first, it will become easier over time.

Tips on Managing Your Emotions Effectively
• Focus on the present moment. If you’re struggling to think about the future, try and just get through one day at a time. If that is difficult for you, try and just focus on getting through the next hour. It can be a lot easier to manage your emotions when you take things one step at a time instead of thinking of everything at once.

• Remember that you are not your emotions. You experience emotions, but your emotions don’t define who you are. Think of your mind like the sky, and the emotions like the weather. Different types of emotions come and go. Sometimes you will experience storms and heavy rain, but even the biggest storms never last forever. It is only after the rain that we can truly appreciate the sunshine. Let that give you hope whenever things feel a bit dark and grey.

• Don’t run away or try to numb your emotions. When we try to avoid what we are feeling, our emotions can stick around longer than we’d like. If you’re experiencing negative feelings like anger or sadness, give yourself a few moments to feel the emotion fully. You will likely find that it is easier to let go of the emotion far more quickly once you’ve embraced it, rather than pushing it down and avoiding it.

• Try deep breathing. When we feel distressed or anxious, our breathing gets shallow and fast. This is a common response to our bodies being in “fight or flight” mode. Deep breathing is an amazing technique to help calm you down in moments of crisis. Simply inhale for 7 seconds while breathing in, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 7 seconds. This helps to get your breathing back to normal and can help to calm down any strong emotional or physical reactions.

• Notice your thoughts. You are not your thoughts, and your thoughts don’t have to become a reality, no matter how negative they may feel in your mind. The next time you have a thought, pause and ask yourself: is this thought helpful or unhelpful? You could take this a step further and use this in a journaling exercise, by writing down the negative thought first, and then turning it into a positive one. Doing this regularly will help you recognise the pattern of your thoughts, and over time you will get better at turning them into helpful statements.

What to Avoid
• Spending a lot of time in solitude. It’s good to avoid being alone when we feel vulnerable or are in a negative headspace. If you feel your thoughts getting worse, reach out to a family member or call a crisis helpline.

• Alcohol or drug consumption. When you’re experiencing mental health challenges, drinking or other substances can escalate things and lead to undesired situations.

• Stress. Try and avoid situations where you feel highly stressed, this can cause any negative thoughts and feelings to intensify.

• Dwelling for too long on your thoughts. Try and not spend long periods of time replaying the same unhelpful thoughts over and over. Instead, call a friend, go for a walk or try to do something to shift your headspace into a more positive one.

What can Help
• Exercise has been proven to relieve stress, tension and promote mental wellbeing. Even just moving for 30 minutes a day can have a huge impact on the way you feel.

• Meditating for 5-10 minutes every day can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and is an easy way to access more inner peace.

• Getting in the sun. Exposure to sunlight releases the serotonin hormone, which can help to boost your mood and help you feel calmer during the day.

• Eating a whole-food diet. When you are nourished properly and your body has energy, this is going to have a huge impact on the way you feel mentally too.

• Talking. Sharing what you are feeling with someone you love or trust can make you feel less alone in what you are experiencing.

• Journaling is also a great way to process difficult emotions. It can be incredibly therapeutic to lighten the load and write down what you are struggling with.

• Make time to do things that bring you joy. Make a list of all the things that make you happy (whether that’s drinking coffee, listening to a certain playlist or doing a hobby) and try and do at least 1 thing on that list every day.

Help is Available
Remember that you don’t have to go through this alone. We all need support and encouragement at different moments of our lives, and asking for help is actually a sign of strength, not weakness.

Whether it’s reaching out to your partner, your family or talking to a professional, having a strong support system around you when things get tough will make the process so much easier.

There is so much life, joy and happiness that you will experience in the near future, so don’t lose hope. With some time and patience, you will get there!

Source: MHC Asia Group ©

Best way to eat eggs debunked!

Best way to eat eggs debunked!

Eggs are ubiquitous in Southeast Asian diets, and methods to prepare them are aplenty. The age-old question of how eggs should be eaten remains: eat just the white, just the yolk or have both? Research has unraveled the answer. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a study led by University of Illinois revealed that egg yolks enhance the body’s ability to utilize protein in muscles. It seems that plenty of precious yolks have been wasted by bodybuilders. Individuals who ate 18g of protein from eggs after a resistance workout had 40% greater muscle protein synthesis compared to those who ate only egg whites.

Eggs are heavily condensed with nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin B12, riboflavin, omega-3 fatty acids, and all nine essential amino acids, helping to preserve and build muscles and promote satiety. While the yolk contains the most calories, it is also where most vitamins and minerals are located. Despite being high in dietary cholesterol, consumers need not worry as dietary cholesterol does not contribute to blood cholesterol that deposits on arteries. A Finnish study involving more than 1,000 men concluded that consumption of eggs does not predispose one to coronary artery disease, even among those with a genetic predisposition to experience stronger effect of dietary cholesterol on blood cholesterol. Furthermore, eggs are low in saturated fat and high in unsaturated fats, which enhance your cardiovascular health.

Instead of questioning how eggs should be eaten, we should concern ourselves more with how eggs are prepared. The core of it is the heating process. Heating egg whites is beneficial as denatured proteins will become more bioavailable. However, yolks are best left with minimal heating as beneficial fats and nutrients will be oxidized. To retain the maximum amount of nutrients on eggs, the recommended order of preparing eggs will descend from soft boiled, poached, raw, hard boiled, sunny side up, over easy to scrambled.

Now, you know how to have your eggs with a peace of mind.

Authored by: MHC

7 Ways for a Restful Sleep

7 Ways for a Restful Sleep

In metropolitan Singapore where most people lead fast-paced and busy lifestyles, sufficient sleep is extra crucial for optimal function, but ironically unattainable by many. Insomnia is a longstanding obstacle for many in having sufficient sleep. Therefore, the following are some workable pieces of advice to help you bid goodbye to recurring panda eyes and eye bags.

Keep your room free from dust and clutter
As much as you love your stuffed toys, you may not want to welcome them into your room for a good night’s sleep. Stuffed toys attract dust and dust mites that may worsen asthma, eczema and allergic rhinitis. Furthermore, they clutter up the room. If you own pets, it would be even more advisable for you to keep them at bay from your room, as they shed fur and may wake you from your sleep. A study published by Sleep in 2015 showed that people with messy rooms face difficulties falling asleep and were more at risk for disturbed rest. Vacuum the floor and wipe surfaces with a moist cloth minimally once per week to eliminate dust. Use pillowcases and bed sheets that are dust mite-proof. Wash pillowcases, bed sheets and blankets at least once per week in water heated to 60oC.

Keep your room cool, dark and quiet
Sound of any kind is a big no-no for a good night’s sleep, as it will be detected by the brain as noise while preparing for sleep. As light is a cue for the brain to wake up, minimize exposure to light by drawing curtains, and wearing blackout shades or an eye mask. As our bodies’ core temperature reduces during sleep, a cool room helps our bodies to enter sleep mode.

Turn off mobile devices
In the digital age, mobile phones have long replaced traditional alarm clocks to wake one from his slumber. However, the multi-functionalism of mobile phones entices people to scroll social media feeds, respond to texts or check emails way beyond the time for sleep. To detach yourself from the allure of your mobile phone, you should consider returning to basics – switch off your mobile phone and get yourself a traditional alarm clock.

Exercise at the right time
Exercise is a double-edged sword for sleep, depending on when you engage in it. Exercise regularly in the morning and not right before pulling the covers over your head. This is because exercise stimulates the release of cortisol which increases alertness. Therefore, it is best to exercise at least 3 hours before bed. Regular exercise like stretching and aerobics improve restful sleep.

Establish a routine favorable for sleep
Unless you work the night shift, you should not nap for longer than 30 minutes during the day, and naps should not be taken after 5pm. Even better, avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evening, as well as stimulating activities like computer games and TV programs. Although alcohol induces sleep initially, it acts as a stimulant thereafter, causing you to wake up several times and deteriorating your quality of sleep. One hour before bed, calm your nerves by taking a bath, reading a book or meditating. Refrain from discussing stressful events to prevent the body from secreting cortisol which increases alertness. You should also retire with a satisfied tummy – neither too full nor too hungry. Importantly, do not attempt to consume sleeping pills without your physician’s advice, as tolerance accumulates rapidly.

Establish a consistent sleep-wake cycle
Natural light helps in keeping a healthy circadian rhythm. Therefore, expose yourself to natural light as much as possible during the day. Also, set fixed times to retire and wake up so that the body’s “biological clock” can be established, making you to go to sleep at a certain time. It would be best to adhere to your sleep-wake cycle even during weekends, so as to avoid a Monday morning sleep hangover. Waking up at the same time is most effective in setting your “biological clock”. Despite you had insufficient sleep the night before, the increased sleepiness helps in consolidating your sleep the following night.

The last resort
Still wide-eyed after 30 minutes in bed? Sit up and engage in a quiet but non-stimulating activity such as reading. Once you feel sleepy, go to bed. Repeat this as required till your eyelids feel heavy.

Authored by: MHC

What’s next after cancer screening?

What’s next after cancer screening?

So you have went for self diagnostic cancer screenings and health screenings.

What is next?

There will only be two outcomes: Negative or Positive.

Irregardless of your test results, life is far from over.

For the negative results, do not be complacent and think that you will never contract cancer. Cancer is random and strikes people of all ages and gender. Who knows when it would strike you…

Plus, did you know that, just because you are tested negative for this cancer, it does not mean you are not positive for another cancer.

Do not let your guard down, but instead, continue to go for regular cancer screenings for a peace of mind. Control what you can within your reach, such as inculcating healthy lifestyle habits like watching your diet and having a regular exercise routine.

For the positive results, there is still hope for you! Cancers are best treated when detected early. Depending on when you are diagnosed with cancer, the rate of survival increases based on which stage you have discovered it.

Keeping in mind on the various symptoms and types of cancer, it is time to seek professional medical advice, should you experience any of the symptoms. Do not delay in getting cancer treatment, as the chances of survival have an expiry date.

Get yourself a 100% health screening for a peace of mind. After all, risks of cancer increases with age group. We would recommend that you consult a health professional to determine if you are predisposed to any type of cancer or have a high risk of a genetic mutation that would lead to any type of cancer. This can be done by speaking with a healthcare professional with your family medical history today.

MHC medical centres are fully equipped with facilities to help you screen for cancers with our cancer markers. Prices start from $40 per cancer marker. Going for a genetic screening with respective cancer markers would be able to tell you 100% if you are predisposed to any type of cancer or whether do you have any DNA/ gene mutation in your body that would ultimately lead to that cancer.

Speak to a MHC healthcare professional today to find out if these tests are suitable for you and how you can fight cancer. Beat Cancer, and not Let Cancer Beat You. Stay healthy, be happy and enjoy life with a peace of mind because you deserve better!

Authored by: MHC