MHC at the 3rd Health Insurance Innovation Congress Asia Pacific 2022

MHC at the 3rd Health Insurance Innovation Congress Asia Pacific 2022 

MHC is delighted to be represented by Dr Darren Chhoa as a panel speaker at the 3rd Health Insurance Innovation Congress Asia Pacific 2022. More than 200 people attended this event, allowing us to connect and meet with insurance carriers, healthcare, insur-tech and health ecosystem partners.

Addressing the topic of cost containment strategies and risk management in healthcare and health insurance, Dr Darren shared on how we can eliminate waste in health insurance and healthcare, as well as how we can use AI to improve risk management and using data to improve claims processing. He also advised on the strategies and practices that companies can adopt to increase healthcare quality for employees while reducing costs, and the importance of looking into health engagement solutions.


How to Cope with Financial Stress

How to Cope with Financial Stress? 

Feeling stressed is a natural human emotional that can unfortunately be enhanced when a person is going through financial problems. It is important to remember that you are not alone, financial stress is something many people experience at some point in their life. Luckily, there are easy ways that stress and anxiety can be eased. Here are several ways you can cope with stress and overcome your financial problems once and for all.

Understand the cause of stress
The climate in the world today is undoubtably stressful. The coronavirus pandemic has caused major economic fallouts all around the world. As a result, many people are experiencing financial stress due to mounting debt, loss of employment or unexpected expenses arising. The stress caused by these problems may present itself in a variety of different ways. You may be experiencing trouble sleeping, feeling depressed, anxious, or wanting to withdraw from society.

The bigger the financial problem, the bigger toll it takes on our mental health. When you have poor mental health, it is harder to manage your money, it is a vicious cycle.

In order to break this cycle, it is helpful to identify the main problems in your life and understand those which are causing the most stress. By highlighting the issue, you will be better equipped to deal with it, eliminate the problem and help ensure it does not happen again in the future.

Talk to someone
When it comes to financial stress, chances are you are not alone. It helps to talk to someone close to you or even a trained professional. Vocalizing your problems may help put things into perspective and make your issues feel much less intimidating. The person listening doesn’t need to fix your problems, they can just be used as a sound board to listen without any judgment or criticism. They may even provide a fresh perspective and come up with a solution to your problem that you never thought of. Just remember that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, sharing your worries with someone you trust can be incredibly beneficial.

If you don’t feel comfortable talking to family or friends, there are many professionals available who specialize in dealing with financial problems. There are also a number of free resources on how to manage debt such as Credit Counselling Singapore (CCS), which is an independent, non-profit, Social Service Agency. CCS is the only organisation recognised by The Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) for their commitment in helping debt-distressed individuals address their unsecured debt problem through counselling, education and facilitating debt repayment arrangements.

Track your finances
It is incredibly useful to come up with a detailed plan outlining your monthly income, expenses, and debt. Laying everything out in front of you will allow you to clearly see the reality of the situation you are in so you can solve it as soon as possible. In addition to an old fashioned excel sheet, there are plenty of websites and smartphone apps that can help you easily record and track your finances.

Recording everything will allow you to identify your spending patterns and allow you to make the necessary changes. Small helpful changes include cutting down on nonessential spending like
eating out at expensive restaurants, getting takeout instead of cooking or indulging in a little online shopping. By eliminating some unnecessary expenses, you can free up some extra cash to pay off bills, cover an unexpected expense or treat yourself or a loved one to something special.

Make a plan
Once you can track your finances you can easily make a plan to address your specific money problems. Whether the problem is high credit card debt, overspending or not enough income, there is a solution!

You can try lowering the interest rate on your credit card debt, live within a stricter budget, find a new source of income, or seek out government benefits. With whatever course of action you choose, don’t forget to monitor your progress. Regularly review your financial plan and see if the changes you have made are working. You will be amazed at how small changes can allow you to take control of your financial situation.

Live within a budget
Creating a monthly budget for yourself will help eliminate overspending. We are all guilty of indulging in unnecessary things whether it be travel, takeout or online shipping. Creating a monthly budget will allow you to track these expenses and cut down on them when you are in financial hardship. Some months it becomes a priority to pay a bill, or an unexpected expense may come up. By sticking within a budget, you will be better equipped to cover these expenses.

Take care of yourself
During the process of dealing with financial stress it is important to have good mental health by taking care of yourself. There are many techniques you can use to improve your mental wellbeing and better deal with anxiety resulting from money problems.

You can brighten your mood by doing a little bit of exercise every day. Getting your body moving is a sure-fire way to ease stress and improve your mood. Another helpful technique is meditation or breathing exercises. Take some time out of your day to truly relax and give your mind a break from stressful thoughts.

In addition to exercise it is necessary to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. Sleep is so important to get both the mind and body working at their best. It is also important to eat healthy foods and drink lots of water daily. Keeping your body healthy by getting a good night’s sleep, doing exercise, and eating right will improve your outlook and allow you to cope with any financial stress you may be experiencing.

Managing your finances may seem like a daunting and stressful task. Take it one step at a time and you will be better equipped to manage your stress and deal with challenges in the future. It is a good idea to talk to someone you trust about your problems, keep track of your finances, come up with a plan and stick to a budget. Above all, take care of yourself and try not to be overwhelmed with worry. There are many ways to tackle your money problems and ease your stress levels. No situation is completely hopeless and there is always help available.

Image by tirachardz on Freepik

Health Connect – November Edition

Health Connect – November Edition 

Frozen shoulder is a common cause of shoulder pain in the community and is characterized by shoulder pain, joint stiffness and restricted range of motion. It can last from weeks to months.

Frozen shoulder can be broadly classified into primary or secondary. In primary frozen shoulder, there is no known cause but is commonly associated with other medical issues such as diabetes, thyroid disease and more. In secondary frozen shoulder, there is usually a history of prior shoulder injuries such as bone or tendon injuries.

The diagnosis of frozen shoulder is primarily a clinical one, based on the clinical history and physical examination. Nonetheless, imaging is routinely performed in patients who present with shoulder pain to assess for other conditions that can cause shoulder pain.

The management of frozen shoulder is dependent on several factors including severity of symptoms, patient’s characteristics, goals etc. Common non-surgical management techniques include physiotherapy and medications. Surgical intervention is also done for some. Do speak to your healthcare provider for further information regarding this.

Disclaimer: All content in this publication is for informational and educational purposes only. It does not constitute any form of medical advice or clinical care nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional medical care. Please speak to your healthcare provider if you have any questions pertaining to your healthcare.

7 Strategies to Overcome Conflict

What is Conflict Resolution & Why is it Important?

We are bound to face conflicts. For that reason, the need for conflict resolution, whether it is at home or at the workplace, is critical. Conflict resolution is vital regardless when and where it is utilized because it allows us to stay consistent with our relationships. Conflict resolution enhances commitment and brings new insights among opposing perspectives from the people around us.

Conflict resolution is used to settle disputes and disagreements. It facilitates a conversation that reaches the goal of emotional understanding among everyone. The essential characteristics that an individual should have during conflict resolution are good communication and emotional intelligence. However, the ability to resolve conflict is just as important as recognizing when needed.

What are the signs that we need to resolve the situation?
Remember that we are all different. Therefore how we show distress during conflicts may be different. Below are some common and earliest signs that conflict resolution might need to be utilized.

In the workplace it can be shown as:
– Disengaged or dysfunctional meetings
– Slowdown in productivity
– Poor performance level
– High employee turnover
– Avoidant body language
– Clique formation
– Repetitive disagreement

In the home, with family and friends, it can be shown as:
– Passive aggressiveness
– The issue frequently occurring
– Tense conversations
– Inability to share true feelings
– Avoidant body language

Regardless of how somebody might portray their disagreement or distress, the over-arching sign that we need to recognize is their demeanour. Essentially, if people act unusual compared to their normal behaviour, we may need to step in and ask what is wrong. Sometimes we get the “gut feeling,” where we sense something is “off” and out of the ordinary. In those instances, trust your instinct. If you feel like someone is avoiding you or a particular topic, chances are, you are right.

To help with conflict resolution, below are seven strategies that you can consider to help resolve a conflict at home or at work:

1. Address the problem in a private place.
Always make sure that you and the person or people you are discussing with are in a safe place, where only the people involved are present. There is no need to make a public scene about the problems you and the other party are facing. If you are resolving conflict at home, make sure you go to a private room, away from the rest of your family members. You can pull your co-worker aside or hold a team meeting if the conflict involves a big group. Doing this lets the other people know that you respect them and their right to privacy. It also makes everyone more comfortable to open up to each other when everyone involved can be addressed in the same room.

2. Be clear about the issue.
Do not let yourself or anybody get caught off guard by their emotions. Remember to remain calm and adequately get your message across. Constantly check up on everyone to know if they understand what you are saying and allow them to share their thoughts on the problem. This is not a time to be passive-aggressive and give sarcastic remarks. This is the time where everyone has an equal opportunity to share what it is that is truly bothering them. Make sure to keep the conversations respectful and in a calm manner.

3. Negotiate & compromise.
Bring everyone to an agreed solution. Whether you are at home or work, do not pick sides. Talk to all parties and come to a harmonious conclusion on how to mitigate the problems. If you could apply the above strategy, this step should occur naturally.

4. Avoid overconfidence and intimidation.
Do not let your ego get in the way. Everyone should actively listen and empathize with the opposing side during conflict resolution. There should not be a “he said, she said” or “I’m right, you’re wrong” battle going on. Everyone’s mind should remain open to receiving feedback. Always remember that nobody should be blamed. Choosing someone to blame adds fuel to the fire, resulting in havoc. Converse with everyone openly and without bias.

5. Be honest about your shortcomings.
In addition to not letting your ego get in the way, practice apologizing for any of your shortcomings in the situation or incident. Chances are, you could have played a part in the conflict. And when they say you have, do not try to argue your way out – simply say sorry and move on.

6. Actively listen to all parties.
Active listening is the crucial factor to ensuring conflicts get resolved. Be sure to acknowledge what the other person has to say and offer your empathy towards them. Do not condemn them for their mistakes, and do not continue to think of them in a bad light. We can all change over time. We can all get rid of the bad traits we carry, whether at home or in the workplace. The essence of conflict resolution is reaching harmony with everyone involved.

7. Have clear intentions for strategies in the future.
Once you have discussed and shared your thoughts, make sure to reach a conclusive resolution and strategies to prevent the same conflict from occurring again. This would be an excellent time to set boundaries with the people involved and remind everyone what their role is. If you are resolving conflict at home, make sure to show affection in your intentions. And if you are at work, make sure to show respect in your intentions.

Conflict resolution is essential in building stronger relationships with the people around us. It is the foundation of trust and respect and can ultimately improve everyone’s communication skills. The key to conflict resolution is recognizing when it is needed and knowing the strategies to guide you through it. Remember to keep your communication respectful and show empathy when listening to others.

Understanding Depression: You are Not Alone

Understanding Depression: You are Not Alone

Depression is an illness that can negatively distort how we think, feel, and act. The intense feeling of low mood, attributed with depression, can lead to decreased functions in daily living, including relationships, work, education, and self-help. The difference between depression, sadness, and grief depends on the symptoms involved. 

According to the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association created the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), an individual must have five of the following symptoms that caused a decreased level of functioning. Furthermore, they stated that the symptoms should have been present for at least two weeks or more. These symptoms are:
– Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by the individual or others
– Fatigue or loss of energy most of the day, nearly every day
– Diminished interest in most or all activities that the individual would have normally enjoyed
– Significant weight loss or gain (5% of more than body weight), without changing diet
– Difficulty falling and staying asleep or sleeping for most of the day
– Observable agitation, restlessness, slowed motor movements
– Feelings of excessive worthlessness or guilt
– Diminished thinking, concentrating, or deciding ability
– Thoughts of death and/or suicide and having suicidal plans

The DSM-5 has different categories under depressive disorders, ranging from disruptive mood dysregulation disorder to unspecified depressive disorder. By knowing the different ranges of criteria and symptoms in each condition, we can understand the complexity of depression.

How to Overcome Depression
The most important message that anyone experiencing mental illness should always hear is: you are not alone. Initially, it can be challenging to open up to others and ask for help. The idea that people will judge you or misunderstand you can be daunting. Nevertheless, it should not stop you from getting the proper support you deserve. Regardless of who you open up to, always make sure that they are a supportive, trustworthy, and respectful individual.

If you are not ready to talk to people face-to-face or don’t have a support system, there are online chats or phone numbers that provide anonymous and confidential support. For example, Samaritans of Singapore (1800-221-4444) and the Mental Health Helpline (6389-2222). Both national hotlines provide free 24-hour support services on depression or other mental health illnesses.

Seeking support should also include receiving proper medical advice. If you have been experiencing the symptoms of depression listed above, you should always seek medical attention to disclose the illness fully. By going to a doctor, they can educate you about depression and provide resources to help your recovery.

Often, doctors will recommend a combination of therapy and medications, depending on the severity of your depression. However, it is essential to note that medications can only influence your mood to an extent. Medications alone will not solve depression. It is still crucial to have the
discipline to apply behavioural and cognitive changes. Some life-changing habits that can be used every day are:
– Limiting time on social media
– Getting 7-9 hours of sleep
– Exercising regularly
– Eating nutritious foods and staying hydrated
– Talking to and spending time with loved ones and pets
– Picking up or starting a hobby
– Spending some time in the sunlight
– Meditation or praying
– Healthy distraction techniques

Spending time by ourselves and getting in tune with our minds can allow us to understand how to take care of ourselves properly. People nowadays may find it difficult to adequately provide self-care regimens because of school and work, family obligations, or social media. Regardless of how busy our schedules can get, we should never neglect our mental health.

With the increasing number of individuals diagnosed with depression, we finally accept that depression is a real illness. Like many illnesses, treatment and help are readily available. And like many illnesses, recovery from depression is possible.

Remember, people are willing to listen. Reach out. Speak up. You do not deserve to face depression alone.

Source: MHC Asia Group ©

 Managing Workplace Stress in Challenging Times

Managing Workplace Stress in Challenging Times

Stress occurs when our bodies feel an unfamiliar external stimulus, causing the feeling of threat. There are two types of stress: healthy and unhealthy. Hans Selye, an endocrinologist, developed the general adaptation syndrome, where he theorized that humans undergo three stages of stress. The three stages are:

  1. Alarm – is essentially where our bodies experience the initial fight or flight symptoms.
  1. Resistance – is where our body produces a high metabolic rate. We may start to feel irritability, frustration, and poor concentration. In response to the increased activity, our body will attempt to recover and repair itself until it reaches its normal limits or starting point.
  1. Exhaustion – when our body can’t return to normal, it will experience prolonged stress and can end up draining our bodies. This stage is where fatigue, burnout, depression, anxiety, and decreased tolerance occur.

Using the above concept of the general adaptation syndrome, we notice that healthy stress can be recognized as the ‘alarm’ stage. Healthy stress is beneficial because it can motivate us to continue with a task and work under pressure. On the contrary, unhealthy stress can be identified as the ‘exhaustion’ stage. This state is where the stress we feel does not bring productivity. Instead, it depletes us of our energy.

Understanding the importance of healthy and unhealthy stress is highly crucial in our day-to-day lives. Due to the pandemic changes in our lives, we have increased workplace stress. Reasons that many people have been experiencing workplace stress could range from fear of being laid off from work to poor time management due to working from home.

Our society has also romanticized the notion of “hustling” or “grinding” – the idea of working hard to attain success. While this determination and grit are beneficial, these can pressure one to do work constantly. This can be dangerous because we risk overwhelming our minds and thus adding on unnecessary stress. The common warning signs of workplace stress can include:

– Anxiety, irritability, depression

– Burnout, fatigue, apathy

– Difficulty sleeping, eating, concentrating, and engaging with others

– Body and muscle aches

– Using substances or drugs to cope

– Decreased libido

Coping With Workplace Stress

Remember that unhealthy stress occurs when our body is overworked and drained. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our work tasks and responsibilities that we forget to check on ourselves. We need to start making it a habit to take breaks at work. Allow this time to step away from what you are doing, take a deep breath, and think clearly about your next steps.

Some ways we can decrease workplace stress are to:

  1. Have open conversations with our co-workers, managers, and supervisors. We must not shy away from turning to each other for support. Keep in mind that a healthy workforce cannot function with unhealthy employees, so start on building a support system at the very place that is known to cause stress.
  1. Stop over-scheduling yourself. Often, we can get motivated to win promotions in work by saying yes to every task and agreeing to every responsibility. This can lead to the dangerous act of overwhelming ourselves. Don’t be afraid to accept new challenges but do them at your own pace.
  1. Develop healthy lifestyle choices Various scientific research has proven the benefits of adequate sleep, nutritious foods, and regular exercise. Using these three components in our daily lives will immediately result in our bodies starting to feel refreshed, energized, and more robust. In turn, it will help alleviate the stress that we are experiencing.
  1. Take a break to recharge and relax Remember that unhealthy stress results from over-exhaustion. To avoid this, we must take the time away to recharge our energy and balance our thoughts and emotions.
  1. Have good time management. When work piles up in our schedule, it can be easy to drown in deadlines. We can all achieve time management by having the discipline to delegate our tasks a little bit each day to avoid overworking ourselves.

Stress can be daunting even for the most organized individual. When mishandled, it can cause a state of distress. With the alarming events that our world is experiencing, it is becoming increasingly challenging to manage our time and find time for self-care. But the silver lining is that we are not alone, and there are many resources available for us, such as those listed on

Methods to Help You Stop Worrying

Methods to Help You Stop Worrying

Sometimes life can be stressful, causing many people to experience worrying or anxious thoughts. It is a natural reaction that may be caused by mounting bills, a first date or beginning a new job. While worrying may be normal in those situations, it may become a cause for concern when it is persistent or uncontrollable.
It is important to identify when you are worrying too much as it can take a negative toll on your mental and physical health. Constant worrying can leave you feeling restless, cause headaches, muscle tension, or make it difficult to concentrate. When worrying or anxious thoughts start to interfere with your daily life, it is time to address the issue and employ methods to help you to stop worrying!

Method 1: Dedicate a daily time for worrying
When anxiety and worry are constant throughout the day, those thoughts may become a distraction which make it tough to be productive. Instead of worrying all day long, dedicate a set time every day for worrying. Create a ‘worry period’ where you sit at the same place at the same time each day and allow yourself to think about whatever’s on your mind. Write down your thoughts and then continue about the rest of your day. Dedicating a set time and writing down your worries will help ensure the rest of the day is enjoyable and a worry-free zone.

Method 2: Address your worries
People who suffer from chronic anxiety may overestimate situations and immediately jump to worst-case scenarios. In most cases, these situations are not as troubling as they may appear. It is important to challenge these thoughts and address your worries in order to reduce your stress and anxiety about the particular situation.
During your dedicated ‘worry period’, ask yourself several questions:
– Can I look at this situation in a more positive, realistic way?
– What evidence is there that my thoughts are true?
– Will worrying help me overcome the situation or is it just hurting?
– What advice would I give a friend or family member who had this worry?

Method 3: Categorize your worries
Distinguishing between solvable and unsolvable worries will help you address your problems head-on. Categorize your worries into solvable worries that you can address right away (for example if you are worried about paying a bill) and unsolvable worries in which there is no solution to the problem (for example thinking what if I get into an accident someday?).
If your worry is solvable, make a list of all the possible solutions to the problem. After selecting the best solution, make a plan of how you can start actually doing something about the problem. Making a plan to solve the problem will help you feel less anxious.
If you worry is unsolvable, try to come to terms with the uncertainty. There is no use spending your time thinking about all the things that could go wrong. Try to accept the uncertainty of life and enjoy all the good things you have in the present moment.

Method 4: Give yourself a break
It is important to take some time out for yourself and give yourself a break from relentless worrying. This is especially important if you worry excessively and feel like negative thoughts are taking over your life. There are a few easy steps you can take to give yourself a break:
– Get some exercise—exercise is an effective and natural way to release endorphins and relieve stress and anxiety.
– Mediate—yoga or meditation are great mindfulness exercises that can help you interrupt an endless loop of negative thoughts.
– Try deep breathing—breathing exercises can help calm your mind and quieten negative thoughts.

Method 5: Talk to someone
It is incredibly useful to voice your worries to a trusted friend or family member. It is important that the person you are talking to will listen without any judgment or criticism. Talking about your worries with someone face to face can help calm your anxiety, put things into perspective and make the worry seem much less serious.

Method 6: Be mindful
By practicing mindfulness, you can focus on the present instead of worrying about what might happen in the future. Being mindful of your thoughts and emotions will allow you to stay present and realize that worrying about things out of your control is causing you to be stuck. Let go of your worries by staying in the present moment and break free of the negative worry cycle.

It isn’t healthy to spend your time worrying, there are many methods you try to help make you feel less anxious. Dedicate a daily time for worrying to categorize and address your problems. This will allow you to break down your concerns and better tackle your worries. Don’t forget to give yourself a break, talk to someone you trust and practice mindfulness. By using these techniques, you will be better equipped to get through stressful times and enjoy life instead of spending your time worrying.

Source: MHC Asia Group ©

What Successful Companies Are Doing To Ensure Their Employees Stay Healthy

What Successful Companies Are Doing To Ensure Their Employees Stay Healthy

As the saying goes, “Health is Wealth” and this highlights the importance of our lifestyle choices that plays a critical role in our longevity. If you think it is expensive to stay healthy, try getting sick.

And if you think maintaining a balanced and healthy diet and exercising is expensive, think again.

What is the point if you can afford to go for a luxurious meal but yet unable to eat the food due to health conditions?

Hence, many successful companies such as Twitter are investing heavily into employee benefits, where they create a healthy culture of living benefits in the workplace.

One of the healthy initiatives that they have adopted is by taking care of employees’ health through targeted wellness programs. The benefits of a healthy workforce are immense and most importantly, employees will improve in both their work and life balance, thereby translating to increased productivity and higher job satisfaction as well.

Here at MHC, we help organisations optimise their employee benefits program by customising a flex wellness program that fits organisations of any size. Not only do we offer a diverse range of fitness bootcamps, health talks and onsite health screening for employees to choose from, we also create a healthy culture of living benefits with targeted wellness improvisations for your organisation!

An example of the professional services that we offer would be looking at the overall corporate health and dynamics of employees of an organisation before coming up with a customised program plan to achieve specific goals and ensuring that they are met.

Not convinced?

Corporate working life may disrupt the work-life balance of employees, especially the younger executives of age between 22 to 35. As a result, some of them would want to prioritise work and do extra night shifts just to climb the corporate ladder, ultimately leaving them with little or no time to exercise. Over time, they may burn out or even suffer from health complications due to lack of care.

In MHC, we believe in a healthy work-life balance and moderation is key.
By introducing targeted wellness programs for targeted employee age groups, it would remind them to take care of their health and stay healthy. If you want to help your employees manage their fitness and are at a loss of where to start, we have a one stop solution for you to cover all your corporate needs. We believe in the importance of staying active through healthy lifestyle choices and everyone (employers and employees) deserves better. Speak to a consultant today and discover the best tailored solutions for you and your company!

Authored by: MHC

How do you keep your health in check when your home is your office?

How do you keep your health in check when your home is your office?

Over the past few years, employees working from home have steadily been increasing in number as advancements in technology have made this arrangement increasing feasible. However, recent events have propelled WFH arrangements into the global spotlight, with millions of people around the world now forced to remain at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

It is undeniable that the transition from working in an office to working at home may come off as a challenge, even in normal more normal circumstances. With the Covid-19 pandemic, this transition may seem overwhelming as you now have other matters to be concerned about on top of the usual work stresses. While it is important to get work done, one must be mindful to not neglect your own health- be it mentally or physically. Here are some tips to help you manage your stress and remain productive while working from home.

  1. Maintain regular hours
    Come up with a schedule and ensure that you stick to it. Work within your allocated hours but remember to stop after you are done. This is to give your brain time to both work and rest. Its best to stick to a schedule to ensure that we are productive and keep ourselves on task. Then when working hours are up, we can call it a day.
  2. Ensure that you have breaks in between
    Just as how you would in an office working environment, do remember to take a break some time. This is extremely important because this resting time allows our brain and body to relax! In light of the COVID-19 situation, since it would be better to stay at home and avoid heading out unless absolutely necessary, some suggestions to do while resting could be catching up with a loved one on the phone or preparing yourself a meal. Keep this in mind, and do not work yourself to the bone for consecutive hours straight without having some breaks in between. Working for long stretches with no breaks has been proven to lead to stress and exhaustion. To prevent that, take breaks to refresh the mind and improve productivity levels.
  3. Ensure that you are eating
    Once we start working, we may find ourselves so focused on our work that we struggle to find the time to stop and eat our meals. However, it is important to be aware of your state of hunger. Should we miss our meals or not eat, it may adversely affect your productivity levels and attention span. If need be, perhaps set an alarm on your phone to serve as a reminder to go for your meal breaks.
  4. Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water
    When we are dehydrated, it can lead to us experiencing headaches and fatigue. If you are in the habit of bringing a water bottle to the office to keep on your desk, we too, can do the same at home. If there is a readily available source of water close to you, it is more likely that you will remember to drink it and stay hydrated. Avoid sugary drinks like sodas and fruit juices as this may lead to sugar crash- water is and remains the safest and most reliable option.

As we face these unprecedented times together, always be mindful to take care of your health!


Authored by: MHC

How to Deal With Heartbreak

How to Deal With Heartbreak

How to Deal With Heartbreak:
7 Strategies to Survive a Break-up and Finally Move On

If you’re currently struggling to get over a break-up: you’re not alone. It’s something that we all experience at some point in our lifetime and is part of the human experience – but that doesn’t make it any easier.
Unfortunately, there is no handbook to getting over heartbreak, and it is often a messy, confusing and lengthy process. However, there are many things you can do to speed up your healing process and get back to feeling like yourself again.

1.Cut Contact – Especially During the First Few Weeks or Months
Straight after a break-up, you are at your most vulnerable. If you keep talking to your ex or try to have a friendship straight away, it can be incredibly difficult to move on and can give you false hope of getting back together. Delete their contact and unfollow them on social media if you need to, so you’re not constantly reminded of them. This doesn’t need to be forever, but it will give you some necessary space to heal properly.

2. Avoid Unhealthy Coping Methods
When you’re hurting after a break-up it can be tempting to numb your feelings with things such as alcohol, drugs, food or even working too much. Remember that you won’t always feel this way and that relying on unhealthy outlets will only make matters worse. There are so many healthier ways such as exercising or taking up new hobbies to deal with the pain and the loss you are currently experiencing which will help you move on better and faster.

3. Feel All the Feelings
Have compassion for yourself and know that whatever feelings may be coming up during this time are completely normal and part of the process. It is important that you don’t deny your emotions and that you process them properly. Find something that works for you; this could be writing about what happened in a notebook or reaching out to family and friends to air out your feelings with someone that you trust.

4. Remember the Bad Parts
When going through heartbreak it’s common to remember only the good parts of the relationship or idealise that person now that you are no longer with them. It can be helpful to write a list of all the things that weren’t working in the relationship. That way, whenever you feel yourself wishing you were back together, you can revisit the list to remind you of why you should stay apart.

5. Stay Busy and Get Into a Routine
It’s totally okay to have a few days or even a few weeks of not doing anything except feeling sad or sorry for yourself. But after a while, starting a new routine can help keep your mind busy and give you a renewed sense of purpose. Make sure to include things in your day that make you feel good such as exercising, going out with your friends or making time for your passions. It’s much easier to get over a break-up when you’re having fun and enjoying your life!

6. Perform a Closure Ritual
Having some kind of relationship funeral or ending ceremony can be the perfect way to emotionally heal after a break-up. There are many ways you can do this. You can write down the painful memories you want to let go of and then burn the papers in a fire. You could put their belongings in a box and then bury them. Or you can simply light a candle, remember the good and the bad of the relationship, and think of what you’re excited about now that it’s over.

7. Start Dating Again
If enough time has passed and you feel ready to, why not start dating again? You can date casually in the beginning so it’s not as intimidating. Don’t put any pressure on yourself to jump into a relationship straight away, simply go into it with an open mind and the resolution to have fun and try something new. This can be a great confidence booster and a wonderful reminder that there are many other amazing people out there for you.

Finally – Give It Time
No two break-ups are the same, and some relationships take longer to get over than others. Give yourself the necessary time to heal and recover from what you’ve lost, but also remember that your heartbreak won’t last forever. Focus on the positive and look forward to all of the new and exciting things you will get to experience in this new chapter of your life.

Source: MHC Asia Group ©