What’s next after cancer screening?
So you have went for self diagnostic cancer screenings and health screenings.
What is next?
There will only be two outcomes: Negative or Positive.
Irregardless of your test results, life is far from over.
For the negative results, do not be complacent and think that you will never contract cancer. Cancer is random and strikes people of all ages and gender. Who knows when it would strike you…
Plus, did you know that, just because you are tested negative for this cancer, it does not mean you are not positive for another cancer.
Do not let your guard down, but instead, continue to go for regular cancer screenings for a peace of mind. Control what you can within your reach, such as inculcating healthy lifestyle habits like watching your diet and having a regular exercise routine.
For the positive results, there is still hope for you! Cancers are best treated when detected early. Depending on when you are diagnosed with cancer, the rate of survival increases based on which stage you have discovered it.
Keeping in mind on the various symptoms and types of cancer, it is time to seek professional medical advice, should you experience any of the symptoms. Do not delay in getting cancer treatment, as the chances of survival have an expiry date.
Get yourself a 100% health screening for a peace of mind. After all, risks of cancer increases with age group. We would recommend that you consult a health professional to determine if you are predisposed to any type of cancer or have a high risk of a genetic mutation that would lead to any type of cancer. This can be done by speaking with a healthcare professional with your family medical history today.
MHC medical centres are fully equipped with facilities to help you screen for cancers with our cancer markers. Prices start from $40 per cancer marker. Going for a genetic screening with respective cancer markers would be able to tell you 100% if you are predisposed to any type of cancer or whether do you have any DNA/ gene mutation in your body that would ultimately lead to that cancer.
Speak to a MHC healthcare professional today to find out if these tests are suitable for you and how you can fight cancer. Beat Cancer, and not Let Cancer Beat You. Stay healthy, be happy and enjoy life with a peace of mind because you deserve better!
Authored by: MHC