What is the Integrated Screening Programme?

Why don’t people go for health screening?
July 15, 2009
What can I do to keep myself healthy?
July 17, 2009

Our government is encouraging Singaporeans to stay healthy and screen regularly with the Integrated Screening Programme (ISP).

The Integrated Screening Programme (ISP) is a nation-wide health screening programme aimed at encouraging Singaporeans aged 40 years and older to be screened for diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, obesity and cervical cancer at a panel of registered General Practitioner (GP) clinic.

Invitation letters are sent to all Singaporeans or PR aged 40 to 69 years to go for health screening.

The program recommends screening for the following conditions:

  1.  Obesity -Yearly screening with Body Mass Index is recommended for those 18 years and above
  2. Hypertension -Yearly screening with measurement of blood pressure is recommended for those 40 years and above
  3. Diabetes-3 yearly screening with measurement of fasting blood glucose level is recommended for those 40 years and above
  4. High Blood Cholesterol-3 yearly screening with measurement of fasting blood cholesterol level is recommended for those 40 years and above
  5. Breast Cancer – 2 yearly mammogram is recommended for woman who are 50 years and above
  6. Cervical Cancer -3 yearly Pap Smear is recommended for women 25 years and above, who have ever had sex

These are the basic health screening tests recommended under the ISP programme. However individuals who can afford to pay for more comprehensive screening can consider doing regular health screening for many other conditions.

Comprehensive health screening programmes are available at all restructured hospitals and the larger private medical centres.

These health screening programmes may include more comprehensive blood tests, X-rays and ultrasounds imaging.
