Low Stress Jobs Help Health

MHC Medical Network at HRM Summit 2011 (Marina Sands)- Corporate Social Responsibility
May 31, 2011
MHC Medical Network at HRM Summit 2011 (Marina Sands)- Work Place Health
June 3, 2011

It may come as no surprise that those who have low stress jobs like their job better and suffer from fewer job stress related illnesses. But recent research has shown it to be true once again. The researchers ranked 200 salaried careers by stress level, giving a numerical value to things that caused stress, such as the work environment, stress invokers and whether or not the stress was actually

work related. Low stress jobs tended to have low physical danger and offered few physical demands on the worker.

Low stress jobs tended to be in the healthcare field. Healthcare is a strong industry and has great employment prospects. It includes things like audiologists, who treat hearing problems. They had the least stressful job in the research report. They need a doctoral degree but not an MD. The market growth for audiology is excellent as well. This is because the baby boomers are aging and there will be more people with hearing loss in the market for hearing tests and hearing aids.

Other health related jobs that are considered low stress include speech pathologist, dietician, dental hygienist, occupational therapist and chiropractor. Fortunately, these are also fields that are growing in number. In the non-healthcare field, computer programmers and software development engineers have what are considered low stress jobs. Again, these are growing fields that need people with the education to make this work possible.

Less stressful jobs generally required more education so that the more you go to college and the higher degree you have, the more likely it is that you can get one of these prime low stress jobs. Low stress means you have fewer episodes of heart disease, less anxiety, fewer mental health issues and less high blood pressure and diabetes.

One low stress job is that of an occupational therapist. They help you learn how to perform activities of daily living like dressing, cooking and getting around the home. It is a helping career that often shows positive changes in their clients’ lives. The occupational therapist sees their patients getting better and feels positive feelings around that. The hours are relatively regular and the environment is peaceful. The same is true of a speech pathologist who helps clients learn how to speak better after diseases such as a stroke. They can also work with children.

Low stress jobs are better for your health and make for a pleasant job. Consider doing a low stress job if you don’t want future health problems and want to make an impact in the employment world without stress on your personal life.