Dealing with Emotional Stress

A Women’s Guide to Managing Health
October 26, 2010
Risk Factor Screening versus Screening for Early Disease
November 7, 2010

Everyone has some degree of emotional stress; it is something controllable if you know the tricks to solving the problem. Emotional stress can come from personal or relationship stress, job stress or financial stress. You can undergo physical stress when your body has a reaction to the emotional stress you are having. When you practise stress management, however, you can learn to handle both emotional distress and the physical stress that can go along with it.

Attitude is everything. If you maintain a positive attitude throughout what you are dealing with, you will get through it much easier. Maintaining a healthy diet will help control your immune system and will less likely become sick from stress. Stress without a healthy diet can lead to infections and heart disease. Improving your exercise plan is important as well. Exercise can relieve stress and improve your health. Well-being is improved by exercise and you need to practice it regularly.

Support systems are a necessary part of life. A good support system can make life less stressful because you can let out your feelings to others who understand what you are going through. You also need to use various methods of relaxation to combat stress. These can be through hobbies, yoga, meditation and Pilates.

Be sure to take regular breaks if you are doing something stressful. Plan fun activities between tasks that are unpleasant and make sure you make time to have fun. All work and no play makes for a stressed out mind and body.

When it comes to exercise or physical activity, plan on about twenty minutes per day. Start with three days per week and increase that amount if you have the time and you feel good about exercising. Change up the exercise program so you don’t get bored. Try to exercise with a buddy so there can be emotional bonding with that person when you exercise. You don’t have to belong to a gym to be able to exercise well. Exercise by briskly walking for twenty minutes at a time. Drink plenty of water during and after exercise to keep your body well.

Your nutrition should be designed around fruits and vegetables, along with healthy grains and lean protein. Try to watch the caloric content of the food you eat so you won’t overeat. Your portions should be single-serving and you should plan on plenty of variety. Think about the food guide pyramid when you eat.

Socialize as much as you can. It is easy to become shy and stay away from other folks but, if you can get past this, you will know more people and can learn to become yourself in front of others.