Investing in Your Health

Taking Care of your Chronic Illness
February 2, 2011
Preventing Cancer
February 7, 2011

Your health isn’t as dependent on the skill of your doctor in treating illnesses as it is on you investing in your health and taking charge of your healthcare. You can make choices you feel good about and can gain fitness and energy you never had before.

The way to take care of yourself is to try and reduce your stress level as much as possible. Do things you find as fun and relaxing when you need to. Get enough sleep so that you are rested and low in stress. Reduce stressful items from your life. Know when stress is manageable and when it is not.

Take care of your health. This means balancing your work life and your personal life so there is enough of each to keep your life happy. Make time for relationships you have in your life. Your loved ones can always pull you out of a funk whenever necessary. Get help when you need it. Be aware of hobbies you can take part in because these may be rewarding and can reduce stress. Your family doctor can help you reduce stress by suggesting resources you could take part in.

As parents, you can be in the best position to role model good personal health. Show your kids how to be active and to make healthy food choices. Make playtime the time to exercise and let the whole family become physically active—including you. Keep a positive attitude around your children and they will mimic your positive attitude. Try making home cooked meals to encourage eating healthier all around. Engage your children to make healthy food choices so they know what to eat. Make sure your children know that eating is for when you are hungry and not when you are bored or angry or sad. Have everyone eat breakfast because it jump starts the day and gives you a positive metabolism for the rest of the day. Put the fork down between bites so you learn how to eat a healthier, slower meal.

Understand that dieting isn’t a matter of starving yourself for a quick weight loss. Slow and steady weight loss makes a greater difference in keeping the weight off and living life healthy. Eat a balanced diet and keep a variety of foods in your diet. Eat in moderation and make sure you aren’t stuffed after every meal. You should feel comfortable after eating but not painfully stuffed. Keep a food and activity journal so you can get a handle on your eating patterns and exercise patterns. Your family doctor can help you get started on this activity.

Pay attention to why you eat rather than on what you eat. If you want to eat, ask yourself whether or not you are really hungry or are instead reacting to another emotion. Take charge of your diet plan and be in control of what it is you’re eating and why. If you stay away from foods you like, you will be unhappy and you will feel deprived.