10 Keys to a Healthy Heart

Stressed by colleague
January 1, 2010
Screen Breast Cancer earlier
January 8, 2010

10 Keys To A Healthy Heart

  1. I must not smoke and drink in excess.
  2. I must keep my weight below a BMI of 23 and watch my waist line.
  3. I must exercise regularly at least 3 times a week
  4. I must avoid food high in fat, sugar and salt contents.
  5. I must keep my blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels within the normal range.
  6. I must go for regular cardiac screening tests (e.g Cholesterol check).
  7. I must get vaccinated against all preventable diseases to equip me to fight any catastrophic heart attack.
  8. I must learn to be happy, take things easy and manage life stresses.
  9. I will not hesitate to call an Ambulance within 5 minutes of occurrence of any symptoms of heart attack (e.g Chest Pain with cold sweat).
  10. I must care for my heart which is deceitful above all things for I know not when it will cheat on me and stop beating and I am gone forever.