7500 +

Corporate Customers

14 +

Insurance Partners

700 +

GP Partners

180 +

Dental Partners


We’re a health technology company, but our business is about people.

Founded in 1994, Dr Low Lee Yong, Chairman and founder of MHC Asia Group, saw the fragmentation in healthcare. His dream was to connect doctors to the pool of corporates with technology — to drive greater transparency, governance and efficiency.

Clinical Services

At MHC, we understand that early diagnosis allows for early intervention, and early treatment provides better overall outcome in disease management.


Your Healthcare Partner

See how the MHC Programme has made a positive impact.


Happy Customers

Feedback from Patient Surveys


Got a Question?

View some of our most frequently asked questions here

We are able to customise different tiered benefits. Schemes that are possible include cap per visit, annual cap, annual combined with per visit cap, copayment etc.

If you are an existing client, you can use the clinic locator function on our mobile applications to view the clinics available to you.

HR staff may download the latest monthly clinic listing for Pre-Employment/Work Permit checkup via www.mhcasia.net/mhc.

Keeping You Well.

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