January is generally considered the time when people make the most fitness, weight loss and health resolutions but a person can make such a resolution any time of the year. In doing so, people often have the goal to lose weight. They buy tons of items of groceries that have very few calories and they buy gym memberships designed to entice them to go to the gym and work out at their greatest capacity until they reach their goal.
This kind of person needs to get away from counting weight numbers and instead think more about their total wellness and what goes into creating the healthiest type of person. Weight loss alone has the tendency to become very extreme only to lose ground when the person loses motivation and stops their difficult exercise behavior.
There are many things that go into how much you weigh. First of all, there is the factor of genetics. If your ancestors were generally fat, it means that they probably have more efficient metabolic systems that would be good in situations of a lack of available food—something that doesn’t exist today.
Your body type also goes into what you weigh. If you carry your fat around your middle, you will gain weight there and have the capacity to be fat in that location. If you carry your weight in your legs and buttocks, you will likely gain less weight because these areas of the body are not as big as the stomach.
Lastly, your diet can affect how much you weigh. If you consistently eat more than the recommended number of calories for your size, you will likely gain weight, even if you are eating foods you consider to be healthy for you. Granted, eating healthy foods helps improve your chances of eating fewer calories and maintaining a healthy weight.
Exercise is only part of what goes into your weight. If you exercise but have a body type that has a naturally low metabolism, you will have a harder time losing weight, even though you are steadily exercising in a moderate to vigorous weigh. Instead, you may have to focus on using exercise in order to strengthen your heart rather than in order to lose weight.
The other things you need to consider about exercise and losing weight. Firstly, you can gain calories much more easily by eating than you can lose them by losing weight. Moderate exercise burns only about 150 calories per half hour, while this can be turned around in minutes by eating an unhealthy food.
As you eat, you will be hungrier and will eat more food. This will offset your progress in trying to exercise in order to lose weight. In addition, the more you exercise, the more efficient will be your ability to burn calories and exercise will have a lesser ability to burn calories.
Exercise can cause a loss of fat in your body but a gain in muscle weight so you don’t actually lose the weight you had wanted to.